Bremsstrahlung produced at an internal target of the accelerator will have a maximum photon energy equal to ea . 在加速器的内靶上产生的轫致辐射的最大光子能量将等于Ea。
Bremsstrahlung produced at an internal target of the accelerator will have a maximum photon energy equal to ea 在加速器的内靶上产生的轫致辐射的最大光子能量将等于ea 。
Anomalous proteins engaged in support of this tumorigenic regulatory enironment most probably represent optimal interention targets in a heterogeneous population of cancer cells 此致瘤调节环境支持中异常蛋白的嵌入可能很大程度上体现了在肿瘤细胞中异质群体内靶目标干预的最佳化。