Both books on the art of war are the required works for the soldiers 这两部兵书都是军人的必读著作。
A study of yinqueshan bamboo book of military being an important symbol of yimeng culture 银雀山兵书竹简是沂蒙文化的重要标志
Yuanyuan , there is another ancient chinese military book . do you know its name 渊源,中国古代还有一部非常有名的兵书。你知道叫什么名字吗?
The perfect combination of a book of art of war with book of change makes the strategies full of philosophic character and easy to remember 把兵书和《易》完美的结合在一起,使其计谋有极强的哲理性,让人一睹不忘。
Sun tsu , by far the oldest war book in china , is a world classic on the art of war for its longest history , widest influence 摘要《孙子》是中国现存的最古老的兵书,也是世界上流传时间最久、范围最广、影响最大的兵学圣典。
Xiling gorge , extending 66 kilometers in length , is composed of many scenic spots such as , " military manual and precious sword gorge " , " ox s live and horse s lung gorge " , " kongling shoal " and " shadow - play gorge " 西陵峡长66公里,由兵书宝剑峡牛肝马肺峡崆岭滩和灯影峡所组成,还有黄陵庙三游洞等古迹。
The world is a better place to live in because it contains human beings who will give up ease and security and stake their own lives in order to do what they themselves think worth doing 《孙子兵法》 、 《孙膑兵法》同时出土,证实司马迁在《史记》中有关孙武、孙膑的记载是完全正确的,证明历史上的确存在过孙武、孙膑两个人,他们各有兵书传世。