[ liùjiǎ ] 1.(六十组干支中以“甲”字起头的六组) the six combinations beginning with the first heavenly stem of the sixty combinations of the ten heavenly stem and the twelve earthly branches 2.(旧时称妇女怀孕称身怀六甲) pregnancy
R is tetramethylene, pentamethylene, or hexamethylene . R为四甲撑、五甲撑或六甲撑。
The reaction is also characterized by the need for two equivalents of hexamethylphosphoramide . 此反应的特点是要用2个当量的六甲基磷酸胺。
The liujia and bagua graves in dunhuang funeral manuscripts 敦煌写本葬书中的六甲八卦冢
One day , they are at the ancestral shine of the mas working wonders the last of the rich mas is coming home dead . accompanying the body is a pregnant woman claiming to be his wife 朱宏利洪金宝饰与马麟祥为好友,一天,一名身孕六甲自称马妻的女子,带同马的尸体回镇。
Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ai chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca and ka yong joins the gang of chu lao ta 定国和家勇本来情同手足,同为潮州老大李阿挤手下,后家勇因事与挤哥反目,定国远走马六甲,家勇亦改投朱老大。
Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ah chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca and ka yong joins the gang of chu lao ta 定国和家勇本来情同手足,同为潮州老大李阿挤手下,后家勇因事与挤哥反目,定国远走马六甲,家勇亦改投朱老大。
On december 23 , 2000 , as the cold winter set in , the tainan center held a heartwarming activity for needy families in the neighboring townships of hsinying , liuying , tungshan , hsuehchia , and liuchia 此次慰问的对象遍布于台南新营柳营东山学甲六甲等乡镇,都是经同修实地访查所找出处境堪怜的贫户。
It was heartwarming to hear the responses of people attending the seminars . for example , one person in the audience in malacca commented , " why did you take such a long time to share master s teachings in our town 来参加录影带讲座的民众的反应让我们感觉很温馨,例如在麻六甲,有位来宾说:你们为什么不早一点来这里与我们分享师父的教理?
Lau , who has worked on conservation projects along the malacca coast for three years , said poachers dig eggs out of their sandy nests and sell them to locals who believe they boost male virility and sooth pregnancy - related ailments 一位在麻六甲海峡为保育计画工作三年的刘女士表示,盗猎者会偷挖海龟蛋,并且卖给当地人,因为当地人相信海龟蛋有壮阳的功效,并能治疗与怀孕相关的疾病。
After our beautiful and gracious supreme master ching hai lectured in kuala lumpur , malaysia , on april 30 , 2000 , local initiates were filled with happiness and overflowing with love . our enthusiasm to share master s teachings could not be contained , and so with a quan yin messenger , malaysian initiates presented six video seminars in the major cities of malaysia , namely , perak , kadah , ipoh , butterworth , malacca , and penang 自从我们美丽优雅的清海师父在2000年4月30日莅临马来西亚吉隆坡讲经之后,同修们法喜充满爱力洋溢,热切地想要分享师父教理给更多人,于是与观音使者一起在马来西亚各主要城市举办了六场录影带讲座,这些城市包括比叻卡达怡保巴特渥斯麻六甲与槟城。