| 1. | The wedding was at the episcopal church . 婚礼仪式是在圣公会教堂举行的。 |
| 2. | And cy cummings has even turned high episcopal for her . 为了她,赛卡明斯还讲了圣公会。 |
| 3. | He was a staunch methodist, a lay preacher . 他是个虔诚的卫理公会教徒,一个业余的传道者。 |
| 4. | Some of them crawl through the examination of the apothecaries hall . 有些人则勉勉强强通过了药剂师公会的考试。 |
| 5. | Margaret and muriel attended finkin street methodist church . 玛格丽特和穆里尔要在芬金大街的卫理公会教堂作礼拜。 |
| 6. | In the south, methodists and baptists joined hands in the movement . 在南部,卫理公会教徒和浸礼教徒在运动中携手合作。 |
| 7. | They are minded, also, to establish the idolatrous forms of english episcopacy . 他们还想在这里建立起英国圣公会偶像崇拜的仪式。 |
| 8. | These are the great and fundamental confession of faith of the church of england . 这些是基督教英国圣公会最主要的和最根本的教义纲要。 |
| 9. | Certain ones such as the episcopalians and the lutherans have a rather formal service . 有些教派,如圣公会和路德会,举行比较正式的仪式。 |
| 10. | Some groups such as the methodists and episcopalians have a rather strong central organization . 有些团体如卫理公会和圣公会,都有比较强有力的中央组织。 |