| 1. | The public hearings on the coal-burning generating plant would begin . 火力发电厂的公众意见听取会将要开始了。 |
| 2. | There is an old saying that in hard times public opinion turns to the left . 有一句老话说:在艰苦的时候,公众意见就左倾。 |
| 3. | The dilemmas arise in the gray area where the national consensus is itself vague or contradictory . 困难出在那些公众意见本身就模棱两可或自相矛盾的含糊领域。 |
| 4. | A modern commander in the field is never more than an hour away from home capitals and public opinion . 一个现在战地的指挥官,万不可有一时与本国政府和公众意见脱节。 |
| 5. | Public views relating to issues of legislative process 公众意见(涉法律程序) |
| 6. | Public views sought on measures to support smes 徵询公众意见支援中小型企业 |
| 7. | This study also involves extensive public consultation 该研究亦会广泛徵询公众意见。 |
| 8. | Public consultation on the draft urban renewal strategy 就市区重建策略草案谘询公众意见 |
| 9. | Forum to seek public views on copyright ordinance 政府就版权条例举行论坛收集公众意见 |
| 10. | Public views invited on estate duty review 政府就检讨遗产税谘询公众意见 |