| 1. | I don ' t understand . i have full coverage (十五年后)我不明白,我买了全保的 |
| 2. | Calen s . morphologic and functional anatomy of the subclavian veins . surg and radiol anat 1986 , 8 : 121 顾乃群,张全保,姚仕康.锁骨下静脉及静脉角部的功能解剖学.解剖学杂志1990 , 2 : 169 171 |
| 3. | The above said fee is not included any kind of insurance , please cover your own insurance of all risks which is strongly recommended 以上费用并不包括任何保险,强调提议各参加者必需自行购买全保。 |
| 4. | The concept of full service maintenance contract is one that has been gaining popularity in many areas of business for some time 全保合同的服务方式是当今世界上最为先进的服务方式之一,在世界上许多国家和地区普遍实行了多年。 |
| 5. | The full service maintenance contract reflects the commitment of fuji xerox to our clients , leads the trend of modern sale services , and should be the first choice of our clients 全保合同的服务方式体现了富士施乐售后服务的最高境界,是由富士施乐引领的售后服务行业趋势,也是客户的最佳选择。 |
| 6. | A full service maintenance contract will not only prolong the equipment life , but accurately predicts and controls the annual operating cost for each machine based on the volume of copying . in this way , annual cost increases are not borne by the user 长期选用全保合同不仅可延长设备的使用年限,还可根据印量准确预测和控制每年设备使用费用,有效防止费用的逐年上升趋势。 |
| 7. | The main advantage of a full service maintenance contract is to shift the risk of unforeseen operating costs from our clients to fuji xerox . our clients are not responsible for the management of the equipment , as fuji xerox conducts the maintenance and replaces parts as appropriate to our quality standards 全保合同最大优点是将原来由客户承担的风险转变成由富士施乐承担由客户管理和控制机器状况转变为由富士施乐根据质量标准要求进行维护保养并主动更换零件,尽可能预防故障发生,使设备一直保持良好的运行状态。 |
| 8. | The main feature of an full service maintenance contract is that the user need only pay a small fee based on his actual copy volume ; repair and maintenance , consumable materials like drums and ink powder , and technical services are provided by fuji xerox free of charge paper , colored ink powder , tape and staples are excluded 全保合同的主要特点是复印机用户只需按每月复印量支付少量费用,此外一切机器运作所需零配件墨粉硒鼓等耗材人工全部由富士施乐免费提供不包括纸张彩色墨粉胶带和钉书钉。 |
| 9. | Enjoy all - round motoring protection now you can enjoy your driving with complete peace - of - mind , knowing you are fully covered by the very best value - for - money insurance . our supreme motor insurance plan provides you with either comprehensive or third party motor insurance at highly competitive premiums 漫漫路途,要享受无忧驾驶乐趣,您需要一份全面的汽车保障-美国运通为您度身专设supreme汽车保障计划,无论您选择全保或第三者保险,都可以优惠保费,尊享全天候全方位的完善保障。 |