The vicissitudes of the indian national congress 印度百年老党国大党的兴衰浮沉
For our country sake , please give me a hand 南征北战:看在党国的份上,拉兄弟一把吧。
This had been the city ' s practice for 30 years , the legacy of an era when being called comrade party or comrade state blended in more with the orwellian spirit of the time 30年来大连一直都这么做,这种起名方式曾经是一个党国一体,压抑人性的时代的产物。
One need not infer that , to carry out their mission , the media must speak for the government or the ruling party , but we do need a singapore perspective otherwise , our voice can hardly reach the international community , nor can there be effective communication within our people amid the jarring noise from without . the island - state ' s unalterable fragility is beyond dispute 没有必要用“党国喉舌”之类的心态去解读“社会使命”这句话的背后含义,因为我们实在需要一种“新加坡角度”的存在,要不然,不仅是国际社会无法听到我们的声音,连自己人说话,也会遭外界的无情干扰,不能达到有效的交流。
Following the development of political and economic environments , kmt ( kuomintang ) party - state apparatuses have gradually given up the traditional way of censorship , and adopted different media / information control measures , namely , public relations and advertising so as to accord with the more advanced media practices in new situation 随着环境的改变,党国机器提供媒介资讯方式采取了不同的作为,过去以暴力限制媒体生产结构和作业,并赋予传递意识型态任务的手段,已较少见,近来来转而以公关及广告的方式,包装议题以符合媒介运作的要求。