[ kè ] 克 i 动词 1.(能) can; be able to 短语和例子 不克分身 be unable to leave what one is doing at the moment; can't get away; 弗克如愿 can not have it as one wished2.(克服; 克制) restrain; control 短语和例子 克制 exercise restraint; 柔能克刚。 softness can overcome strength.3.(攻下据点; 战胜) overcome; subdue; capture (a city, etc.) 短语和例子 迭克名城 capture one important city after another; 攻无不克 be invincible4.(消化) digest 短语和例子 克食 help one's digestion5.(严格限定期限) set a time limit 短语和例子 克期完工 set a date for completing the workⅡ量词 1.(公制重量或质量单位) gram (g.) 2.(藏族容量单位, 一克青稞约二十五斤) a tibetan unit of volume or dry measure (holding about 25 jin of barley) 3.(藏族土地面积单位,约合一市亩) a tibetan unit of land area equal to about 1 mu “兢、兢”
Example Sentences:
Brooke will go to keep us boys steady . 勃禄克会去管教那些男孩子的。
Roderigo dashes in and demands her hand . 罗特列克一头闯进来求婚了。
Nick went all out to win the race . 尼克尽最大努力去赢得赛跑的胜利。
Mr. winkle looked up at the declining orb . 文克尔先生抬头看看落日。
Mr. foker's behaviour was quite different . 福克先生的举止完全不同。
Huck and tom are the heroes of the hour . 哈克和汤姆成了一时的英雄。
Oak's eyes could not forsake them . 奥克的眼睛压根儿没有离开过他们。
With croft everything had been okay . 跟着克洛夫特,倒也顺顺当当的。
I wish i could convince miss crawford . 我但愿能使克劳福特小姐信服。
Mr. franklin and i looked at each other . 弗兰克林先生和我面面相觑。