Pa was pretty poor , and had some debts ; so when he d squared up there warn t nothing left but sixteen dollars and our nigger , jim 我爸爸穷得很,还欠下债。因此还清债以后,就所余无几了,只有十六块光洋和黑奴杰姆。
In foreign joint venture , in summing up the historical experience on the basis of new progress for example , changzhou - bearing ocean with the japanese company ntn cooperation , markets for technology , is a typical example 在对外合资合作方面,在总结历史经验的基础上有了新的进展,如常州光洋轴承公司与日本ntn公司的合作,以市场换技术,就是一个典型的例子。
In the past 21 years dalian office finished more than 120 projects all over north - east in the field of microelectronic , optical fiber and cable , lcd , biological and pharmaceutical , mechanic , assembly , steel , ship manufacturing and domestic buildings . some of the projects got the prize from national or provincial construction department . below are the reference projects dalian office finished these years : dalian dongfu lcd co . , ltd , dalian haire industry park , guangyang bearings dalian co . , ltd , konica dalian co . , ltd , canon dalian office appliance co . , ltd , pacifica electronics co . , ltd , photoelectron dalian co . , ltd , hyundai electronics dalian , rhi dalian co . , ltd , yuanda pharmaceutical co . , ltd , siemens vdo auto electronics changchun , toyota tianjin precise products co . , ltd 6000 , toyota zhangjiagang technology co . , ltd , shenyang sico semiconductor co . , ltd , dalian dongxian and dalian orient precise products co . , ltd . dalian office will carry the principle make best design , provide satisfying service to provide our best service to the clients Edri大连分院成立至今完成120多项工程设计监理及工程总承包项目,其中多个项目工程设计获得国家和部省级科技进步奖,先后完成了大连东福彩色液晶显示器工程大连海尔工业园光洋轴承大连有限公司柯尼卡大连有限公司佳能办公设备大连有限公司太平洋电子有限公司光电子大连有限公司现代电子大连有限公司奥镁大连有限公司,大连高新生物制药有限公司大连保税区国际车城远大制药有限公司西门子威迪欧汽车电子长春有限公司丰田合成天津精密制品有限公司丰田合成张家港科技有限公司,沈阳科希-硅技半导体技术第一有限公司大连东显电子有限公司大连东方精工有限公司等一大批高科技产业园区设计项目,并且进行全程质量跟踪服务,在业内树立起edri大连分院良好口碑,赢得了客户广泛好评,为我院在东北地区的发展做出了自己的贡献。