[ chōngyì ] (充满; 流露) full to the brim; exuberant; (be) overflowing (with) 短语和例子 孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。 the children's faces beamed with happy smiles. 祖国大地充溢着春意。 there is spring in the air all over our country.; 充溢系统 [工业] flooded system
祖国大地充溢着春意: there is spring in the air all over our country
孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容: the children's faces beamed with happy smiles
Example Sentences:
She was filled with wonder, and even repulsion . 她心里充溢着好奇,甚至是反感。
The children 's faces beamed with happy smiles ... 孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。
Childhood is remembered because it is passionate . 人们记得儿时旧事,因为那是热情充溢的时期。
"come in, brothers," she said, her exotic perfume filling the foyer . “进来吧,兄弟们,”她说道,一股浓郁的香气充溢在门廊里。
She met him with a hand that would be taken and a voice that expressed the affection of a sister . 她伸出一只手给爱德华握,声音里充溢着为妹之情。
There is health, not merely in her bloom, but in her air, her head, her glance . 不仅她的青春充满着健康,而且她的态度、她的面目、她的秋波都充溢着健康。
The dissolution of man is but the signal of other birth, and the world goes on, beautiful and ever new reveling in its vigour . 人的消亡不过标志着其他生命的诞生;世界依然存在,美丽多姿,不断更新,充溢着生命的活力。
The time was that dull interval in a woodlander's life which coincides with great activity in the life of the woodland itself . 此时正是林区居民生活中的一个不活跃的间歇时间,而这与林区生活中充溢着的那种巨大而活跃的生命力是统一的。
When all the world is bright with love and song 当爱情与欢歌充溢、明亮整个世界。
Yh026 filling type of heat preservation device 充溢式保温盒