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English translation for "元批评"


Related Translations:
文化批评:  cultural criticism
影视批评:  critiques sinématographiques et télévisés
严肃批评:  criticize in [with] sharp words
挑剔批评:  critical of
圣经批评:  biblical criticism
原型批评:  archetypal criticism
印象批评:  impressionism
批评课:  criticism lesson
艺术批评:  art criticism
Example Sentences:
1.The writer maintains that the most dictionary criticism types are text dictionary criticism , sychronical - diachronical dictionary criticism , functional dictionary criticism , theoretical dictionary criticism , media dictionary criticism , meta - dictionary criticism and macro - micro - dictionary criticism
2.Based on the present practice and theoretical research . htm of translation criticism , this article attempts to formulate the main elements of inner system within translation criticism , including its nature , type , function , criterion , method , etc . and to put forward the concept of meta - translation criticism , so as to gain deeper and more objective insights of translation criticism
3.Based on the present practice and theoretical research of translation criticism , this article attempts to formulate the main elements of inner system within translation criticism , including its nature , type , function , criterion , method , etc . and to put forward the concept of meta - translation criticism , so as to gain deeper and more objective insights of translation criticism
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