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English translation for "儿童发展纲要"

the programs for the development of work

Related Translations:
纲要:  1.(提纲) outline; sketch 短语和例子他把意见写成纲要, 准备在会上发言。 he made an outline of his views and got ready to present it at the meeting.2.(概要, 多用于书名) essentials; compendium 短语和例子中国历史纲要 a concise outline
程序纲要:  skeletal coding
纲要星:  program star
发展纲要:  development outline
广告纲要:  advertising brief
管制纲要:  regulatory framework
课程纲要:  course guidelinepdf hugesyllabus
训练纲要:  curriculum
才能纲要:  competency profile
纲要流程图:  outline flowchart
Example Sentences:
1.The programs for the development of work
2.The programs for the development of work concerning women and children should be earnestly implemented
3.I was glad to hear from the guangxi wccw that they have already incorporated this initiative in their npa
4.We hope to see an even stronger surveillance taking place as part of the npa monitoring at the provincial and county levels , to build a stronger advocacy for gender equality and to mobilize local government to increase resources for girls education
5.In recent years , they have made great strides in the process of implementing the national program of action for the development of chinese women and the national program of action for child development in china ( npas ) , which promote local economic development and strengthen harmonious accommodation among local minority groups
近年来,由于该地区落实《中国妇女发展纲要( 2001 - 2010年) 》 《中国儿童发展纲要( 2001 - 2010年) 》 (以下简称两纲)工作卓有成效,促进了当地经济的发展,使各民族和睦相处,人民生活蒸蒸日上。
Similar Words:
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