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English translation for "儿儿"


Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词1.(小孩子) child 短语和例子小儿 little child; 婴儿 baby; infant2.(年轻的人) youngster; youth 短语和例子男儿 man; 英雄儿女 young heroes and heroines3.(儿子) son 短语和例子他有一儿一女。 he has a son and a daughter.Ⅱ形容词(雄性的) mal
小雪儿:  lady georgie
娴儿:  xianr
肠儿:  saucisse saucisson
足月儿:  full-term infantterm infant
成熟儿:  mature infant
源儿:  genji
慧儿:  keijilotus
浪荡儿:  the young and the passionate
阿儿:  ago
Example Sentences:
1.The plot is less than logical and the motives of the characters are also not that convincing . it is all about the action . for instance , lam is supposed to be a very intelligent detective , but his behaviors are simply too absurd to make you think so
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