walk as if on wings; at a good bat; fleet [swift] of foot; walk fast and vigorously; walk with much bounce [with springy steps]; with flying feet
Example Sentences:
Thinking back to how i ran all the way , i remember feeling as light as a swallow . i ran so quickly that i felt as if i was flying 回想刚才一路奔跑,竟是身轻如燕健步如飞,而且夜里一觉香甜,连梦也没有,真真不可思议。
Every day i felt happy and blissful , remaining in high spirits and absolutely free from the pressures of an expectant mother . i could still walk briskly , feeling relaxed and free . at any time of the day , and no matter what i was doing , i could distinctly feel a gentle force enveloping and protecting my fetus and myself 师父曾说打坐对胎儿有益,我很自然地也增加打坐时间,每天觉得精神畅快,法喜充满,丝毫没有孕妇的沉重感,依然健步如飞轻松自在,无论行住坐卧,都深切体验到一股柔和力量环绕保护着我和胎儿。