| 1. | It was my landlord, with a notice of ejectment or something . 那是房东,他拿了一张停租通知书之类的东西。 |
| 2. | All these have made the new off - hire clause be more advantageous to charterers 从而使停租条款变得对承租人更为有利。 |
| 3. | Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this article and relation between the off hire and marine insurance 第六章分析停租与保险之间的关系及对停租问题的总结。 |
| 4. | Chapter 5 analyzes the enumerated cause of the off - hire clause and compares the differences between several typical time charter forms 第五章分析了具体的停租事项及主要定期租约范本之间的区别。 |
| 5. | To protect his interest , shift the risk of time loss , the charterer turns to the off - hire clause of the time charter party 为保护自己的利益,转嫁部分的时间损失风险,承租人往往要在期租合同中订入停租条款。 |
| 6. | In practice , the parties of the charter party always argue on the right and obligation arising from the off - hire clause 由于在实践中常有对停租条款中承租双方权利义务的争议,因此正确理解这一条款有一定实际意义。 |
| 7. | The vessel continued her voyage and on the way the excessive cylinder liner / piston ring and fuel pump wear was discovered in all cylinders 船舶在继续其航程途中却发现其主机的全部汽缸的缸套,活塞环和燃油泵磨损严重,该轮为修理而停租一天。 |
| 8. | The chargeable lease period shall begin from the following day of the day when all the facilities required are set up for the customer ' s use and end on the termination date 八、各项租费应自设备装妥可供使用之次日起计算至用户停租之日为止,停租日之各项费用按一日计算。 |
| 9. | The fractional months , if any , of the commencing or terminating month of the lease shall be charged for the days actually used on base of daily rent of 1 / 30 of the monthly rental 起租月及停租月实际租用日数不足全月时,该月之费用按实际租用日数计算,每日各项租费为全月三十分之一。 |
| 10. | 5 . off - hire items have been enlarged under nype 93 form , and bunkers consumed during off - hire period to be on owners " account . quasi - distance clause has been added to the new form 5 、在nype93格式下,停租事项有所扩大,停租期间的燃油由出租人承担,并且加人了“相等距离条款” 。 |