She dozed, and his presence became more distinct . 她假寐了,他的形象变得更加清晰。
After a short nap , you ' ll feel like a new man 片刻的假寐后,你会感到有如新生一般。
His defences were all in his wits and cunning , his very instincts of cunning , and when these were in abeyance he seemed doubly naked and like a child , of unfinished , tender flesh , and somehow struggling helplessly 他的抵抗力全在他的机智和狡猾之中,在他的狡猾的本能深处,而当这本能假寐着的时候,他显得加倍的赤裸,加倍地象一个孩子,皮肉松懈无力,却在拼命地挣扎着。