| 1. | 3 if the proceeds of the corporate bond issuance are not used for purposes approved by the examination and approval authority 三公司债券所募集资金不按照审批机关批准的用途使用 |
| 2. | Convertibility rate , backing arrangement for coins and treatment of interest payments on exchange fund paper 适用于兑换保证的汇率、硬币的支持安排及外汇基金票据债券所付利息的处理 |
| 3. | The un - guaranteed class a notes will benefit from the credit subordination to be provided by the class b notes , achieving a triple - a rating by both moodys and s ps 无担保a组别债券将受惠于b组别债券所给予的信贷支持,因而获穆迪和标准普尔给予aaa aaa评级。 |
| 4. | Mr yam said : " the debt paper to be issued by the kcrc under this programme will be covered by the proven market making arrangements that we initially designed for our exchange fund paper . 任先生说:九广铁路公司的债券发行计划,将会沿用我们最初为外汇基金票据债券所设的市场庄家制度。 |
| 5. | Retail investors will be informed shortly by letter of the subscription prices of the hkmc notes and the refund details by dao heng bank , hsbc , hang seng bank , the three placing banks through which they applied for the notes 一般投资者将于短期内经配售银行致函通知按揭证券公司债券的认购价,以及从申购债券所经的三间配售银行道亨银行汇丰银行及恒生银行获得退款的细节。 |
| 6. | Failure to monitor exposes investors to agency costs , this is , the risk that the firm ' s owners or managers will take actions with the saver ' s money contrary to the promises contained in the covenants of its securities contracts 监管失利就会给投资人造成代理损失,就是由于公司所有者或管理者采取违背债权人购买债券所签订的合同中所列条款的行为给债权人投资资金所带来的风险。 |
| 7. | In april , the aggregate balance rose by hk $ 874 million , of which hk $ 752 million represents the purchase of us dollars by the hkma during the month . the rest reflected the effect of interest payments on exchange fund paper which was not yet absorbed by additional exchange fund paper issuance 5 2亿港元是因为金管局月内买入美元所致,馀额则因外汇基金债券的利息支付尚未被增发的外汇基金票据及债券所吸纳。 |
| 8. | I would like to thank the approved sellers for their support of the programme and my colleagues for their hard work in the past few months to meet the very tight schedule of launching the programme within the first quarter of 1999 , " said mr . peter pang , chief executive officer of the hkmc 由月日起,货币基础将可随著外汇基金票据债券所支付的利息数额相应地扩充。目前金管局的做法是进行港元操作,以抵销这些利息对总结馀的影响。 |
| 9. | In april , the aggregate balance rose by hk 874 million , of which hk 752 million represents the purchase of us dollars by the hkma during the month . the rest reflected the effect of interest payments on exchange fund paper which was not yet absorbed by additional exchange fund paper issuance 月份银行体系总结馀增加亿港元,其中亿港元是因为金管局月内买入美元所致,馀额则因外汇基金债券的利息支付尚未被增发的外汇基金票据及债券所吸纳。 |