| 1. | Thebes, to his credit, haunted him . 提佛人,作为他的债主,总是幽灵般地缠住他的内心。 |
| 2. | My creditors expressed curiosity as to my intentions . 我的债主对我的意图表示难以理解。 |
| 3. | I remained his debtor . 自始至终他都是我的债主。 |
| 4. | If robbers abounded, tax-gatherers and creditors had disappeared . 如果盗贼蜂起,税使和债主就消失了。 |
| 5. | Rebecca's object in her journey to london was to effect a kind of compromise with her husband's numerous creditors . 利蓓加回到伦敦,目的在和丈夫的一大群债主谈判。 |
| 6. | As you say, creditors are roosting in trees like vultures waiting to swoop down on anything valuable . 你晓得,那些债主象兀鹰一般歇在树枝上,伺机对任何有价值的东西飞扑下来。 |
| 7. | I have not scraped a couple of millions together by the sweat of my brow to chuck at the feet of my father's creditors . 我流了汗挣来不到两百万的钱,不是预备送给我父亲的债主的。 |
| 8. | Word reached the ex-banker-butcher that an unpaid depositor was seriously ill and his wife and children were penniless . 这位开过银行的屠夫听说,有位债主存户身染重病,妻室一贫如洗。 |
| 9. | In order to escape his creditors and make a fresh start, balboa volunteered for an expedition to san sebastian . 为了逃避债主,另起炉灶,巴尔博亚自愿申请参加前往圣塞瓦斯蒂安的远征队。 |
| 10. | Were i to borrow the balance, the creditor might call it up suddenly, or in case of my death my family might be distressed . 如果我向别人借那不足之数,债主也许会突然来要债,万一我死了,我的家族也许会受连累。 |