| 1. | For information on getting a decorated name , see 有关获取修饰名的信息,请参见 |
| 2. | For more information on decorated names , see 有关修饰名的更多信息,请参见 |
| 3. | To create or view decorated names , see 若要创建或查看修饰名,请参见: |
| 4. | Using a listing to view decorated names >使用列表查看修饰名 |
| 5. | Will list these decorated names 将列出这些修饰名: |
| 6. | The decorated name of a method 方法的修饰名。 |
| 7. | The linker will prepend an underscore to every decorated name in 中的每个修饰名前放置一个下划线( _ ) ,只要名称不是以问号( |
| 8. | To examine decorated names in your program , you can do one of the following 若要在程序中检查修饰名,请执行下列操作之一: |
| 9. | Functions in c and c programs are known internally by their decorated names C和c + +程序中的函数在内部通过其修饰名加以识别。 |
| 10. | Viewing decorated names >查看修饰名 |