The letters show an eagerness, an animation . 披读信札,一种殷切激越之情,溢乎言表。
Diaries , letters and biographies sketch out the lives of many interesting figures 日记、信札和传记粗线条地勾画出了那些有趣人物的人生。
Letters give a delightfully idiosyncratic insight into a person ' s life and character , especially if they are written with style and wit 信札提供了一种轻松而富于人物特质的视角,帮助读者了解人物的生活和性格,特别是当他们的写信风格独树一帜,充满俏皮话时更是如此。
At the launch ceremony , mrs anson chan , the daughter of madam fang zhaoling , will present the book to professor lap - chee tsui , who will receive on behalf of hku . details of the ceremony are as follows 更难能可贵的是,书中还收有方女史的老师钱松?先生,张大千先生的题词及多幅手书信札,成为不可多得的文心相通之证言,亦属艺坛一大佳话。
Albert glanced carelessly at the different missives , selected two written in a small and delicate hand , and enclosed in scented envelopes , opened them and perused their contents with some attention . " how did these letters come ? " said he 阿尔贝对这些来自不同地方的信札漫不经心地瞟了一眼,挑出了两封笔迹妩媚,洒过香水的信,拆开信封,用心仔细地看了一遍信的内容。
And how i feel for her mother , she would go on . she showed me today the letters and accounts from penza they have an immense estate there , and she , poor thing , with no one to help her . they do take such advantage of her 她沉默片刻, “我多么怜悯她的妈妈, ”她继续说, “今天她把从奔萨送来的帐目和信札拿给我看她们有个偌大的领地,她很可怜,全靠自己一个人,人家都欺骗她! ”
Historical objects collected range from invaluable philatelic items and coins to old account books and commercial letters rescued from dustbins , from an arrowhead to a peaktram . in general , the museum s collections are divided into four major areas of interest 博物馆的藏品,既有价值不菲的钱币邮票,也有从垃圾堆中抢救出来的帐簿和信札文件,小至箭头,大至缆车,林林总总,品类繁多,大体而言可分为
In 1999 , he made a generous donation of his papers , correspondence , manuscripts and publications , as well as his medals , including the nobel medal , to the university . this valuable collection is housed in the c n yang archive , established in 2002 一九九九年,杨教授将多年的文章、信札、手稿和著作,以及包括诺贝尔奖章的多个奖章,慷慨捐赠予中大,大学于二零零二年成立杨振宁学术资料馆收藏这些珍品。
Historical objects collected range from invaluable philatelic items and coins to old account books and commercial letters rescued from dustbins , from an arrowhead to a peak tram . in general , the museum s collections are divided into four major areas of interest 博物馆的藏品,既有价值不菲的钱币邮票,也有从垃圾堆中抢救出来的帐簿和信札文件,小至箭头,大至缆车,林林总总,品类繁多,大体而言可分为