Numerous devout men and women are kowtowing and praying 许多信男信女在磕头、祈祷。
You don ' t trst your female intuition that something unpleasant is about to happen 也不想信女性直觉告诉你的,有些倒霉事就要发生了。
One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age . a woman who would tell one that , would tell one anything 永远别信女人告诉你的她的真实年龄。她要么撒谎,要么瞎扯。
Charms and invocations of the most blessed abbot peter salanka to all true believers divulged . as good as any other abbot s charms , as mumbling joachim s 最圣洁的修道院院长彼得萨兰卡163的咒语和祷文,公诸于所有信男信女。