| 1. | General specification for electric system of scout armored vehicle 装甲侦察车电气系统通用规范 |
| 2. | Acrv armored command and reconnaissance vehicle 装甲指挥与侦察车 |
| 3. | Tactical performance test methods for electric system of scout armored vehicle 装甲侦察车电气系统战术性能试验方法 |
| 4. | Avr armored vehicle reconnaissance 装甲侦察车 |
| 5. | Cvr combat vehicle rceonnaossance 战斗侦察车 |
| 6. | Arsv armmored scout vehicle 装甲侦察车 |
| 7. | Panzer elite scout car logistik upgrade decreased in cost from 40munitions to 25munitions 装甲精英侦察车后勤升级弹药消耗由40降低为25 。 |
| 8. | Application and development of optoelectronic sensors mounted in battlefield reconnaissance vehicles 光电传感器在战场侦察车上的应用与发展 |
| 9. | The first generation armored scout cars of our army only had the ability of receiving and storing the analog video signal because of the limitation of technologies 我军的第一代侦察车已经实现了以图像为载体的情报获取以及存储。 |
| 10. | At the same time it was composed of too many devices and took up much space , and it was difficult to process the imgage data it stored 由于当时技术水平的限制,一代侦察车只能存储模拟视频信号,所需要的设备数量多,体积大,且在后期处理中十分不方便。 |