| 1. | Or do you have to go use the unit designer 或者是你必须要使用单位设计工具来更改设计? |
| 2. | This method requires unit quaternions 此方法要求使用单位四元数。 |
| 3. | Study of the management and maintenance ways for large radiation medical equipments 苏州市86家密封源使用单位辐射防护状况调查与分析 |
| 4. | The seal shall not be used presumptuously without the approval of the leader of the current organization 未经本单位领导批准,不得擅自使用单位印章。 |
| 5. | Contractor and client must cooperate well with bpvi and give them necessary help 安装单位、使用单位应积极与监检单位配合,并为监检人员提供必要的方便。 |
| 6. | Detail planning is a specific arrangement that is arm at one of acre or installations of some units 土地利用详细规划是直接对某一地段或某一土地使用单位的土地利用及其配套设施做出的具体的安排。 |
| 7. | When a conflict occur between contractor with bpvi , or client with bpvi for si , it shall be submitted local city level of ssbb to process 监督检验过程中,安装单位、使用单位、监检单位之间发生争执时,应提请所在地的地市级安全监察机构处理。 |
| 8. | Refers to the floor space of buildings completed in the reference period , which have come up to the designed standards and have been put into use 指在报告期内房屋建筑按照设计要求已全部完工,达到住人和使用条件,经验收鉴定合格,正式移交使用单位的建筑面积。 |
| 9. | Now , the system has been checked by the user and being used in shendong mining area , functions can completely sufficed the daily management of mining area , and instruct for the production 本系统已经通过了使用单位的验收,现运行于神东矿区,完全能够满足矿区的日常管理要求,对其生产有指导意义。 |
| 10. | A realistic and important question for manufacture and user of crank is how to settle the question jumping overproof of crank under the condition of crank without influence 在保证曲轴原有的组织和性能不受影响的情况下,解决曲轴跳动量超差问题,对曲轴生产厂家和使用单位来说是一个现实而重要的问题。 |