这位败将交出他的佩剑以示就范: the defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword
Example Sentences:
The custom dates from the time when men wore swords 这一习惯开始于男子佩剑时代。
We bring to his widow his sword and cross of honor 我们把他的佩剑和十字荣誉勋章带了回来准备交给他的太太做纪念。
World champion , tan xue 佩剑世界冠军谭雪
My father carried this sword , and his father before him all the way back to the founding of troy 我父亲的佩剑,从特洛伊成立起一代接一代流传至今。
He drew his sword , held it to his helm , blade upward , in gesture of salute and peace 他抽出佩剑,举至盔前,剑刃向上,摆出一个表示敬意与和平的手势。
Zhang pulled out his sword . there was nobody in sight but his retinue . he looked at the corpses 张操志拔出佩剑。可周围除了随从看不到别的人。于是他仔细地观察尸体。
My glance had fallen , but a few moments before , on the fragments of a broken sword , lying among the hay “刚才我曾在干草堆里瞥见一把折成几段的剑。那是贵族的佩剑。
Anduril , flame of the west , forged by the elves in rivendell using the shards of narsil . the sword of the king of gondor 西方之炎安杜瑞尔,瑞文代尔精灵用纳西尔的碎片铸造而成。冈多王的佩剑。
And when he had smeared the stone with their blood , it returned to life , and faithful johannes stood before him , again healthy and well 但就在他拔出佩剑的一刹那,忠实的约翰复活了,他站在国王的面前,挡住了他的去路。
Conquered and christianized by the livonian brothers of the sword in the 13th century , latvia passed under russian control in the 18th century 13世纪被利沃尼亚佩剑骑士团征服并开始信奉基督教,拉脱维亚于18世纪被沙皇接管。