舞: Ⅰ名词1.(舞蹈) dance; dancing 短语和例子交谊舞 social dance; ballroom dance; 腰鼓舞 drum dance; 摇摆舞 rock and roll2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子舞明 wu mingⅡ动词1.(舞蹈; 做出舞蹈的动作) dance; move about as in a dance 短语和例子漫天飞
佛: 佛名词1.(佛陀) the buddha 短语和例子拜佛 worship the buddha2.(修行圆满之人) real buddhist3.(佛教) buddhism 短语和例子佛海 the wide-open church of buddhism; 信佛 believe in buddhism4.(佛像) statue of the buddha 短语和例子铜佛 a