The stock market can supply for capital with the remaining , make the dispersion ' s funds concentrate , accelerate the funds with the turn over of stock certificate , realizes the social resource install reasonable 通过证券市场,可以调剂资本的供求和余缺;使分散的资金集中化;加速资金和证券的周转;实现社会资源的合理配置。
Naturally the income and the loss are greatly unsymmetrical , because the bank only has the interest premium as the income , but once the debtor defaulted , the loss is the whole loan , which is always times of the interest 它使得资金从富裕单位流向余缺单位,是社会资金的导管( channel ) ,现代经济的核心。由于业务的特殊性,商业银行的收益和损失并不对称。
However , the large - scale or medium - sized water works in guan zhong zone are independent each other as a self - existent system . being not form a united network , these separated systems ca n ' t cooperate mutually , so that the developed water resource ca n ' t be best used and often be wasted 然而,长期以来关中地区大、中型水源工程基本上是自成系统、相互独立,未形成有机的网络联系,不能互补余缺,使已开发的水资源得不到充分利用,造成了一定的资源浪费。
Because china can not sustain its population by its own oil - seed supply and its oil - seed processing out - reaches oil - seed supply , china will be taking the strategy that more oil - seed be imported to process oil to support the domestic market and even to export oil to the world market , which means that china will be importing more oil - seed after joining wto , but this is not necessary the case with the plant - oil importing 由于国内油料产量不能够满足自身的需求、油脂行业存在较大的相对剩余生产加工能力,所以在中长期内中国将采取“进口油料加工油”的策略:即油料的进口一定会继续逐年增加,而油脂的进口将会徘徊在目前的水平或仅有小幅波动,以调节国内余缺。
China ’ s grain trade locates disadvantaged in the world ; as china ’ s grain products do not have comparative advantage , china ’ s grain export faces difficulties and pressure on grain import is increasing ; as china ' s grain production and trade are restricted by the wto agricultural agreement , china ' s domestic support and protect in agriculture and grain are also facing restrictions 中国加入世界贸易组织对中国粮食贸易提出了新的挑战:中国粮食贸易是应该回避国际粮食市场激烈的竞争,发挥入世前调剂余缺的作用,还是主动面对国际粮食市场的挑战,在维持国家粮食安全中发挥新的作用,这是本文要解决的主要问题。