Ⅰ动词 (剩下) remain; leave: 9减4 余 5。 nine minus four is five.; four from nine leaves five.; if you take (away) 4 from 9, 5 remains. 收支相抵, 尚余 50元。 after paying all the expenses, there is a balance of fifty yuan. Ⅱ形容词 (剩下的) surplus; spare; remaining 短语和例子 落日余辉 afterglow; 下余部分 the remaining part; the remainder; 余钱 spare money [cash]Ⅲ数词 (大数或度量单位等后面的零头) more than; odd; over 短语和例子 二百余斤 over 200 jin; 五十余年 fifty odd yearsⅣ名词 1.(指某种事情、情况以外或以后的时间) spare time 短语和例子 茶余酒后 over a cup of tea or after a few glasses of wine; at one's leisure; 工作之余 after working hours; after work2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 余渊 yu yuanⅤ代词 [书面语] (我) i