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English translation for "位置更新"

location update

Related Translations:
地图更新:  map updatingmaprevisionmarevision
更新存储器:  refresh memory
更新过程:  innovations processrenewal processupdating process
更新的:  newerrebornregenerativerenewedupdatedupdating
记录更新:  record updating
农药更新:  manufacture of new varieties of farm chemicals
已更新:  insert updatedis dirty
更新支出:  replacement cost
更新算法:  updating algorithm
更新目录:  update table of contents
Example Sentences:
1.A scheme of personalized adaptive location areas
2.Updates the bounds of the control with the current size and location
3.Updates the bounds of the control with the specified size and location
4.Location updating procedure
5.A positioned update using a where current of clause updates the single row at the current position of the cursor
使用where current of子句的定位更新将在游标的当前位置更新单行。
6.In crm and sfa applications , data is often filtered , but some of the data is still updated in more than one place
7.Delphi cannot perform positional updates within a db2 cursor , so appending for read only to each select statement helps db2 by making the cursor an unambiguous read - only cursor
Delphi不能在db2游标中执行位置更新,因此将for read only附加到每条select语句后面可以使游标成为无歧义的只读游标,从而对db2有所帮助。
8.On the condition of selecting east - north - up coordinate as navigation coordinate and supposing the updating periods for attitude , velocity and position all the same , the digital algorithms for sins are deduced in details
9.The higher the lct , the higher the number of updates received , the smoother the movements : if an avatar reaches a position before the next position is received from the server then it will have to stop and wait
10.We will analyze the call in the gsm network , the updating of the position and the signaling process in the switch , after that using the effective signaling information collected by the tracing system , we analyze a malfunction in the application and build a feasible method to solve the normal malfunction
Similar Words:
"位置格的" English translation, "位置格式" English translation, "位置跟踪" English translation, "位置跟踪器" English translation, "位置跟踪系统" English translation, "位置更新规程" English translation, "位置更新接收" English translation, "位置更新拒绝" English translation, "位置更新请求" English translation, "位置公差" English translation