(辗转抄写) make private copies (of a manuscript, document, etc. which is being circulated)
Example Sentences:
1 . the edition and publication of yao he ' s poetry in song dynasty 二明代姚合集的刊刻与传抄。
So they were compiled together and entitled yun - tai anthology . (三)明代郑谷诗集的刊刻与传抄。
The publication and transcription of zhang ji ' s poems in ming dynasty (三)明代张籍集的刊刻与传抄。
Long - range transmission meter reading system for residence - special line transmission for data 住宅远传抄表系统.数据专线传输
Both of song versions are different in arranging order , quantity of poetry , official title about yao he and some words 三清代姚合集的刊刻与传抄。刘氏本为自己所重辑, fjf
Inevitably there are existing certain defectives , which however , cannot be indebted to gao himself , in fact , partly due to the later interpreters extortion as we see today , partly due to its historical narrow - mindness imposing on gao ' s understanding 在近二千年的时间里,高诱注文几经传抄刊刻,自然存在一些不足。有些是高诱本无误,由于后人窜改造成的失误;也有因历史条件限制等原因,高注本身存在的失误。