[ yōuróu ] 1.[书面语] (宽舒; 从容) leisurely 2.[书面语] (平和; 柔和) gentle; mild 3.(犹豫不决) weak in character
Example Sentences:
The timid and the fainthearted , and people that expect quick results , are doomed to disappointment 胆怯的、优柔的、以及期待速成的人,注定要失望。
But he opposes to me with a young man s over - softness , albeit wise beyond his years that it were wronging the very nature of woman to force her to lay open her heart s secrets in such broad daylight , and in presence of so great a multitude 然而,尽管他的才华超出了他的年,却仍有年轻人的优柔,他同我争辩说,强制一个妇女在光天化日之下和大庭广众之中,敞开自己内心的隐私,是和妇女的本性格格不入的。