| 1. | Universities set up scholarship to encourage the top students 学校设立奖学金,以鼓励成绩优异者。 |
| 2. | Excellent performers receive commendation from group leaders during the closing ceremony 结业式表现优异者接受小组长颁奖。 |
| 3. | Year 12 at a recognized international school with satisfactory examination results ; or 于认可之国际学校成功修毕第12班及成绩优异者或 |
| 4. | As a long term career path , employee with best performance would be promoted as senior project managers located in gz , sh or bj 长远发展:表现优异者将回到公司在广州、上海、北京的总部成为高级营销项目管理人员。 |
| 5. | Applications are open to students with proven leadership and organization skills , excellent social services records and academic results 自觉有领导才能及组织能力,并拥有丰富的社区服务经验及学术成绩优异者,均可报名参加。 |
| 6. | Similarly , those considered themselves distinctive in academic performance had higher life satisfaction scores than those rating themselves poor in academic performance 同样地,认为自己成绩优异者较成绩差劣者生活满足感指数较高。 |
| 7. | Similarly , those considered themselves distinctive in academic performance had higher life satisfaction scores than those rating themselves poor in academic performance 同样地,认为自己成绩优异者较成绩差劣者生活满足感指数较高。 |
| 8. | Equal pay should be provided for work of equal value , with appropriate consideration of both national and local rates paid by employers in the private sector , and appropriate incentives and recognition should be provided for excellence in performance 参考译文:应为价值相同的工作提供相同的报酬,应适当考虑到私营部门雇主支付的全国和地方的工资率,并对工作优异者给予适当的鼓励和奖赏。 |
| 9. | The roc government also makes provisions for students with special educational needs at special schools for the blind , the deaf , and the mentally or physically handicapped . these schools include the kindergarten , elementary , junior high , and senior vocational school levels . special classes for gifted students and those with physical and mental handicaps are also available at regular elementary and junior high schools 对于有特殊教育需要的学生,政府则提供启明启聪启智及仁爱等四类特殊学校就读,其依程度则分为幼稚园国小国中及高职四阶段此外,在一般中小学也设有各特殊教育班,供资赋优异者或身心障碍者就读。 |
| 10. | Produced by the web marketing association ( wma ) , an independent volunteer organization founded in 1997 to help setting a high standard for internet marketing and corporate web development on the world wide web , the webawards is an annual competition designed to judge corporate web sites against an internet standard and against peer sites within their industry 于1997年成立的万维网推广协会为一独立志愿组织,宗旨是协助提升网上市场推广的水平以及推动万维网( worldwideweb )企业网站的发展。每年一度的超卓网站奖按照一套互联网标准,评定企业网站的水平,并将同类网站互相比较,对表现优异者予以奖励。 |