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English translation for "优化使用"

optimum usage

Related Translations:
内存优化:  auto memory tuning
参数优化:  parameter optimization
结构优化:  structural improvement (optimization)structural optimization
中间优化:  intermediate optima
查询优化:  query optimization
搜索引擎优化:  search engine optimization
优化硬件:  optimize hardware
试探优化:  heuristic optimization
钻井优化:  drilling optimization
动态优化:  dynamic optimization
Example Sentences:
1.Optimized use of network bandwidth
2.This article examines the group process and how it can best be utilized
3.This tutorial is designed to help you fine - tune a report model that was generated using model designer
4.For the most part , tuning a stored procedure that uses service broker is no different from tuning any other stored procedure
在很大程度上,优化使用service broker的存储过程与优化其他任何存储过程没什么两样。
5.Conditional branch optimization with the value probes , profile - guided optimizations can find if a given value in a switch statement is used more often than other values
6.Basic block optimization allows commonly executed basic blocks that temporally execute within a given frame to be placed in the same set of pages locality
7.To help the administrator to be as effective as possible , the following topics provide useful information about the maintenance and optimization of applications that use service broker
为了帮助管理员尽可能提高效率,下面的主题提供一些非常有用的有关维护和优化使用service broker的应用程序的信息。
8.Because the nodes in wsn are powered by batteries , which have limited power energy , the techniques of making good use of the energy is one of its focuses in designing and applications
9.This system take the work order ’ s creation , the examination and approval , executing , shuts down as the master line of the entire maintenance activity , to balance reasonably the resource and the manpower , financial , material resources and so on
10.Process modeling , which d efines accurately business process of enterprise by formalizing language to analyzing and optimizing process , is the important fundament to business process analyzing and business process reengineering
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