| 1. | A secondary nitramide is then formed . 其结果生成仲硝酰胺。 |
| 2. | In some more complex cases, secondary amines can be nitrated directly with nitrating mixtures . 在某些复杂的情况下,仲胺能用混合硝化剂直接硝化。 |
| 3. | Isomeric alcohols, tertiary amines are less water soluble than their isomeric primary and secondary amines . 异构的醇,叔胺的水溶性比其异构的伯胺和仲胺小。 |
| 4. | Isomeric alcohols, tertiary amines are less water soluble than their isomeric primary and secondary amines . 异构的醇、叔胺的水溶性也比其异构的伯胺和仲胺小。 |
| 5. | Thus varying the nature of r from primary to secondary to tertiary alkyl results in increasing yields of the hydroxy ethers . 当R按伯、仲、叔烷的顺序递变,则所得羟基醚的产率就随之而增高。 |
| 6. | You touched a nerve when you asked if i lie awake sometimes, wondering about wyrazik's death and perhaps some others . 你问我是否仲夜难寐,考虑怀拉兹克,可能还有其它人的死,真戳到了我的痛处。 |
| 7. | If the spins are in the same direction, the state is called orthopositronium; if they are opposite, we speak of parapositronium . 若方向相同,则称该自旋态的电子偶素为正电子偶素;若方向相反,则称为仲电子偶素。 |
| 8. | If our assumption about the probability factor is correct, this means that eact is less for abstraction of a secondary hydrogen than for abstraction of a primary hydrogen . 假如我们对几率因子的推测是正确的,这就意味着夺取仲氢的E活化比夺取伯氢的E活化小。 |
| 9. | Discussion on the siguan and siguan acupoint 浅谈张仲景的针灸诊疗特点及选穴规律 |
| 10. | Browse more free yukie nakama picture from our gallery 加入仲间由纪惠fans俱乐部 |