| 1. | In the event of one of the contracting states wishing to denounce the present convention, the denunciation shall be notified in writing to the belgian government . 如有缔约国欲退出本公约,应以书面通知比利时政府。 |
| 2. | Successful applicants will be notified by confirmation letters 以书面通知各申请者 |
| 3. | Successful applicants will be notified by confirmation letters 本馆将以书面通知各申请学校 |
| 4. | Successful applicants will be notified by the school in writing 学校将以书面通知成功获得取?的申请人。 |
| 5. | Subscriber ' s termination shall be effected by a written notice to cuhk 订户如欲终止本协议,须以书面通知中大。 |
| 6. | You will be notified in writing to give more information , if required 如有需要,本处会以书面通知你提供更多资料。 |
| 7. | Such appointment and any change thereof shall be communicated to the council in writing 此项委任及更改须以书面通知本会。 |
| 8. | If we do not receive any notice , service will be auto renewed 于一个月前以书面通知本公司,如没有收到通知,服务会自动续期。 |
| 9. | You will be notified in writing to produce the original documents for verification 本处会以书面通知你提交证明文件的正本,以供核对。 |
| 10. | Should , soonest possible , write in to inform the department to update his her personal records 应尽快以书面通知本局,以便更新他她的个人资料 |