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English translation for "令人崇敬的"

venerable- commanding respect by virtue of age dignity character or position

Related Translations:
应崇敬的:  reverend
令人震惊:  shocker
令人遗憾:  sadly
令人心服:  carry conviction
令人深省:  make one dein thought
令人悔恨:  mortifying
令人困倦:  yawnful
令人高兴地:  delectably
令人馋涎欲滴的:  mouth-watering
格外令人兴奋:  super excitingsuper-exciting
Example Sentences:
1.I had spent the better part of the night at the bedside of the worshipful governor winthrop , doing what my poor skill might to give him ease
2.She did not look like sissy to them now , but as a being large , towering , and awful - a divine personage with whom they had nothing in common
3." it is of moment to her soul , and therefore , as the worshipful governor says , momentous to thine own , in whose charge hers is
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