English translation for "人们认为……据说,据报道,据估计"
- it is believed(said,reported,estimated)that
Related Translations:
人们: people; men; the public; humanity 短语和例子建设边疆的人们 the people who are opening up the frontiers; 草原上的人们 people of the grasslands; 受折磨的人们 afflicted humanity; 受压迫的人们 oppressed humanity; 广大默默无闻、受苦 报道者: der reporterel reporterointelligencerpemberitareportajesreporter derreportero elreportero, el 谈人们: talking about people 人们欣喜若狂: e.g. we were ecstatic to be together again
- Similar Words:
- "人们情同手足" English translation, "人们情同手足 每个人都是兄弟姐妹" English translation, "人们去关注伟大的公司" English translation, "人们热烈欢迎代表团满载而归" English translation, "人们认为" English translation, "人们认为她完全能照顾自己" English translation, "人们仍然顶礼膜拜着" English translation, "人们仍然向自己塑造的霓虹灯神膜拜,祈祷" English translation, "人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来" English translation, "人们如何相互交易" English translation