| 1. | If it were known and anything happened to me, my next of kin would dispute my will on the ground of insanity . 这事要泄露出去了,我再出点什么事情的话,我的那些至爱亲朋们就会疑心我精神错乱。 |
| 2. | To cast it in with hyde, was to die to a thousand interests and aspirations, and to become, at a blow and forever, despised and friendless . 但若与海德共命运,则意味着无数兴趣和雄心抱负势必全部告终,从此变成一个人所不齿的,亲朋不屑一顾的人。 |
| 3. | Dearly beloved , we are gathered here together 各位亲朋至友,今天我们齐聚一堂 |
| 4. | Tell me xxx , do you like to send out christmas cards 我喜欢寄送圣诞卡向亲朋问安。 |
| 5. | 7 . encourage relatives and friends to quit smoking 7 .鼓励亲朋戚友戒烟。 |
| 6. | Dearly beloved , we are gathered together 各位亲朋至友,今天我们齐聚一堂 |
| 7. | Distance to city : 3 distance to station : 4 distance to airport : 40 是亲朋共膳大型宴请及酒会的理想去处。 |
| 8. | Fruit has been sourced from our most renowned growing regions 亲朋聚会,小酌两杯,许愿树是您上佳的选择。 |
| 9. | Do you remind your parents , relatives and friends to keep public order 你会提醒父母、亲朋遵守公共秩序吗? |
| 10. | If you wish to have fish in your banquet , avoid humphead wrasse , if possible 若你希望以海鲜宴请亲朋,请尽量避免食用苏眉。 |