[ hàishí ] the period of the day from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m
Example Sentences:
The evolution of the political situation in liaoning during the revolution of 辛亥时期辽宁政局之演变
Tan sitong ' s idea of reformation and its influence on the revolution of 略论谭嗣同的变革观在辛亥时期的传承
Contradiction between military government and branch government during 1911 revolution 辛亥时期军政府与分府矛盾斗争析论
Brief comments upon the development of tan shitong ' s reformation concept during the 1911 revolution 略论谭嗣同的变革观在辛亥时期的传承
The connection between the guangfu association and the assassinate activities during the period of the 1911 revolution 辛亥时期暗杀活动与光复会的关系
According to documents , archaeological materials and oracle bones inscriptions we find the marriage system of shang ' s people had taken monogamy for along time in king hai ' s period 依据文献记载、考古发现和甲骨卜辞,王亥时商族已经实行一夫一妻制很久了。
In the taoist of dragon tiger mountain , there lived a drunken taoist who s behaviour and appearance were different from ordinary people . he was being punished to find a cherry boy who was born in the year of " sun mou " , the 15th of august of midnight for the consecration of new idol 虎山道观醉道人袁祥仁饰一次因清理道堂,撞坏天师像,被罚下山寻觅庚辰年八月十五亥时出生的童子,为新天师像开光。