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English translation for "五虎将"

five tiger generals
five young players
the five tiger-heroes
the savage five

Related Translations:
虎将:  brave general
钢城虎将:  the waiter
九虎将:  nine tiger men
红河虎将:  red river
四虎将:  professionals the
八虎将:  rocky mountain
双虎将:  two heroes
虎将夺王妃:  the princess is kidnapped
火林虎将:  the forest rangers
虎将争妻:  two generals in contention for a wife
Example Sentences:
1.The young chinese author wrote a new story of helen and paris , the famous couple in homer ' s mighty epic poem , the iliad
本书作者张佳玮为青春作家,被《南方都市报》评为“ 80后实力五虎将”之一,著有多本小说,本书为其第四本长篇小说。
2.Almost everyone in baseball agrees matsuzaka is a wonderful talent , but he faces tremendous adjustments - griping a ball larger than those of japan , dealing with a five - man rotation instead of a six , and brawnier lineups
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