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English translation for "二级标准"

secondary standard
Example Sentences:
1.Verification regulation for secondary standard divided flow humidity generator
2.The old realty criterion do a lot of damage to the consumers for it ' s inaptitude and nonstandard
3.From 2002 to 2004 , the quality of ambient air in urban area of qinzhou city reach national secondary standard
4.A working standard ( i . e . , in - house or secondary standard ) is a standard that is qualified against and used instead of the reference standard
5.The particulate remains the key pollutant affecting the air quality in china . the annual concentration of the urban particulate in 64 . 1 % of the cities exceeded grade ii
颗粒物仍是影响我国城市空气质量的主要污染物, 64 . 1 %的城市颗粒物年均浓度超过国家空气质量二级标准
6.To qualify for the bridging programme students must hold a diploma or similar qualification that is recognised by the university of wales as equivalent to level 2 ( 2nd year undergraduate ) standard
7.It is known these 8 sample buses include 6 - 12 meters ones , 15 - 55 seats ones , from minitype grade one to large - sized grade tow . they basically stand the series of production of hefei xiandai bus
8.The main factors causing environmental pollution included vehicles increase , diffuse pollution growth , imperfect urban basic facilities construction , disadvantageous effect of meteorological condition in winter and industrial pollution around et al
9.In 1997 , hefei bus company took part in jac jianghuai auto group company , became its basic place of bus production , including hefei xiandai chief department , yangzhou hongyun , taixxian qiaoxxing , and hefei xinma these four buses basic product places , producing and selling 6 - 12 meter middle and top grade buses , product includes five series , over 60 style , at present it can make 15000 all style buses in one year . it is known that the amount of selling of hefei bus company is increasing gradually . it sold all kinds of 1251 buses in 2000 , the income of it was 2 . 3 hundred millions yuan ; in 2001 , company sold 2100 buses , and the income was about 4 hundred millions ; it sold over 4200 buses in 2002 , the income broke through 10 hundred millions
同时,以65家废气排放大户脱硫工作为重点,实施广州市2003 - 2005年控制二氧化硫工作计划,全面推进工业饮食服务业脱硫降氮和节能降耗的工作,使2003年全市二氧化硫排放量控制在21万吨,比2002年削减1万吨,力保二氧化硫浓度年均值达到国家二级标准2004年排放量降到19万吨,比2002年削减3万吨,浓度优于国家二级标准2005年排放量控制在15万吨以下,比2002年削减7万吨,浓度继续优于国家二级标准。
10.A1ong wth traditionai fuel automobiie is continuously increasing , it brings more and more serious pollution to the earth . therefore , in the end of twenty century , it comes forth a upsurge to research and manufacture electric vehicle ( ev ) all over the world . chinese government has already brought ev into the fateful science and teclinology research item of state ' s the ninth five year plan and its aim is to develop a impoytant industry
环境污染低: 1998年全国城市环境质量周报统计结果表明,广州、上海、北京等一些特大城市空气中的首要污染物为氮氧化物( no _ x ) ,全国已有34个城市氮氧化物年均值超过国家二级标准,而机动车尾气排放则是氮氧化物的主要来源(汽车尾气对氮氧化物的分担率高达78 . 1 ) 。
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