The children share their birthday , are in the same class and their nicknames mean the same thing 他们同年同月同日生,拥有意思相同的乳名,还是同班同学。
I am unable to tolerate that my mother often calls my petname - earthpea even i was already married 翻译:我不能忍受甚至在我已经结婚后我妈仍然叫唤我的乳名-花生!
Both sets of parents believe the characters of the children , who are both nicknamed " one " as first - borns , would be unchanged if they had been brought up by the other family 双方父母都相信,即使孩子没有被抱错,他们的乳名也还会是“大仔”或“大妞”即家里的投胎。