From time to time , i looked up from my notebook . 我的目光不时地离开习字纸向上看。
He took the writing practice as a leisure activity , so his calligraphy was not only decent and solid , but also transcendent 他以习字为一种消遣,因此他的书法不但宽博厚重,而且超凡脱俗。
Rather than the bodies , what does offer a clue is a copybook found in the ruins , entirely burnt except for its cover which was protected by a plastic folder 废墟中的一本习字簿倒是给了点提示,但除了塑料文件夹护住的封面,它几乎已经烧毁殆尽。
The xml enablement tool of enterprise developer can work with either a complete cobol source program or a cobol copybook that contains the data declarations describing the interface to the application Enterprise developer的xml可用性工具既可以同一个完整的cobol源程序工作,也可以同一个包含描述该应用程序接口的数据声明的cobol习字簿一起工作。
After some time , you will find that you have a kind of vigor and boldness in your brush strokes especially if you have followed the principles in calligraphy strokes . then examine whether your painting has resemblance to reality or not , as they will be considered as realistic , abstract or expressionistic . it is not necessary to be concerned whether this is a new or a traditional style of painting 将你意象中形似即使非形似亦可画出,纸上画面一定会给你一个答复,留着,注个日期,不妨,天天做,这就是日课,过了一些时候,你的笔致,自然会生一股力,最好是以你习字的笔致去做,再审察这些形似与无形似的画,形似者为近写实画,无形似者为写意画,根本无须新派画,旧派画,参考上面说的,你的意象中,如有诗词文的句子,这就是灵感的反应,你的大作即有了画题。