凉风习习: the clear breeze blows gently.; a cool breeze is blowing.; a fresh light breeze is stirring.; there is a light breeze blowing. (it is quiet and still,) the air soft and cool
The day was fresh, with a lively spring wind full of dust . 凉爽的天,春风习习,尘埃弥漫。
A gentle breeze is blowing . 微风习习。
The breeze was lively . 微风习习。
The tide was in and there was good breeze and a surf on the beach . 涨潮了,凉风习习,海滩上出现一道道浪花。
We pass rapidly on into the march, to a breezy day without sunshine, frost, or dew . 光阴荏苒,又到了阳春三月。这一天,微风习习,既没有阳光,也没有霜露。
It was a sunny, soft morning, and he lingered in the garden paths, looking at the flowers that had come out during his absence . 这是个阳光明媚,暖风习习的早晨,他徘徊在花园的小径之间,欣赏离家后盛开的鲜花。
Boys who felt the evening wind on their damp faces paused to enjoy the freshness of it and then found they were exhausted . 孩子们感到了习习晚风吹拂在湿漉漉的脸上,停下享受这股清凉,于是便发现自己已精疲力竭。
A cool breeze is blowing . you fill your lungs 凉风习习,深深吸一口气
It ' s a cold , windy , friday afternoon in march 记得那天,冷风习习,是3月的一个星期五下午。