| 1. | The carthaginians suffered horribly from famine . 迦太基人受尽了饥馑之苦。 |
| 2. | They are riddled with disease . 他们饱受病痛之苦。 |
| 3. | I have suggested palliatives for the change-pressed individual . 我为深受变化重压之苦的个人提供几剂良药。 |
| 4. | He had suffered from a number of fears which attacked him in the night . 一到晚上他就忧虑重重,备受提心吊胆之苦。 |
| 5. | Whereas the peoples of the colonies have been grieved and burdened with taxes ... 鉴于各殖民地民众备受重税负担之苦…。 |
| 6. | The agony of doubt was over; the issue now was to fully join the battle . 疑虑之苦过去了;现在的问题是全心全意参加战斗 |
| 7. | This constrained and messy adultery was a damned poor substitute for having a wife . 这种不自然的,不可告人的私情,也算是聊慰无妻之苦吧,但未免太糟糕了。 |
| 8. | His role had been too minor and his father's position was too honoured for him to suffer reprisal . 他的角色微不足道,而且他父亲地位显赫,这使他免受囹圄之苦。 |
| 9. | Fanny's best consolation was in what he said and this was not quite sufficient to do away with the pain of her inner heart . 他的一番话是对范妮的最大安慰。但是这不足以克服她的内心之苦。 |