义: Ⅰ名词1.(正义) justice; righteousness 短语和例子大义灭亲 sacrifice ties of blood to upholdrighteousness; 见义勇为 be ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause2.(情谊) human ties; relationship 短语和例子情义 ties
实: Ⅰ形容词1.(内部完全填满, 没有空隙) solid 短语和例子里面是实的。 it's solid. 铁条是实心的, 管子是空心的。 a iron bar is solid, a pipe is hollow.2.(真实; 实在) true; real; honest 短语和例子实心眼儿 honest and sincere; 情况属实。 it's true. 实有其事。