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English translation for "举行晚会"

have a party

Related Translations:
喜欢参加晚会:  enjoy going to the parties
举行:  hold; stage 短语和例子按期举行 be held [take place] as scheduled; 举行罢工 stage a strike; 举行会谈 hold talks; 举行会议 hold a meeting [a debate; talks]; 举行起义 stage an uprising; 举行典礼 hold a ceremony; 举行宴会 giv
举行会:  hold a meeting
举行典礼:  hold a ceremony
举行烧烤:  have a barbecue
举行竞赛:  hold a competition
举行起义:  stage an uprising
举行示威:  hold a demonstration
举行音乐会:  give a concert
举行测验:  give a test
Example Sentences:
1.They hold a party in celebration of their victory .
2.The neighbors were having a party and we did not get a wink of sleep all night .
3.While we were having a party , the lights went out
4.She thinks she ' s gonna have a party and not invite me
5.You said we ' d never have a party in here
6.There is a party tonight in honor of the new chairman
7.The neighbours were having a party and we didn ' t get a wink of sleep all night
8.The misses so - and - so would give a party on wednesday evening at sherry s
9.Here people ' s thought is that , if you are to give a party in your own home , then it must be done perfectly or not at all
10.It is a weeklong celebration with parties , dances , and dinners for the old graduates ( alumni ) , as well as for the new students and their friends and parents
Similar Words:
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