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English translation for "主次序"

principal order

Related Translations:
主次:  primary and secondary 短语和例子分清主次 differentiate what is primary from what is secondary
主次分明:  make a distinction [distinguish; differentiate] between the important [primary; essential; significant] and the lesser [secondary] one
主次分类:  major minor sorting
主次密码:  major-minor code
主次数:  principal degree
主次颠倒:  reverse the order of importance
主次梁连接:  beam-to-girder connection
主次不分:  confuse the primary with secondary; confuse the minor and nonessential things with the major and essential ones; make no distinction between the major and the minor one
主次环结构:  main minor loop organization
主次剂量监测系统:  primary-secondary dose monitoring system
Similar Words:
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