| 1. | Qing palace tablets in manchu and chinese 图为清皇宫中,满文与汉字在一起的牌匾。 |
| 2. | They also go in for such production as sericulture , apple and other breeding produces 1636年,皇太极称帝,改国号为清。 |
| 3. | The original buildings were damaged , and the existing ones are qing or more recent constructions 原建筑物已毁,现存的皆为清代及近代建筑。 |
| 4. | Ms . vardue khachatrian , a world renowned armenian opera singer , sings songs for master 国际著名亚美尼亚歌剧演唱家瓦蒂薇卡佳得莉安女士为清海无上师献唱。 |
| 5. | 16 squat down and stand on one leg - left style squat down and stand on one leg - right style 金子? (原名爱新觉罗溥儇) ,为清皇室子弟,宣统(溥仪)乃其长兄。 |
| 6. | They also read a proclamation that designated the 22nd of february as " the supreme master ching hai day " 代表们并宣读宣言,共同订定二月二十二日为清海日。 |
| 7. | The stele , erected in 1751 , is inscribed with this phrase in the calligraphy of emperor qianlong of the qing 图为立于绿荫深处的“琼岛春阴”碑,碑文为清乾隆皇帝手笔。 |
| 8. | Hundred horses is a top - class painting from qing dynasty with a length of 300 inches and a height of 36 inches 百骏图,为清代绘画上品,原图绢本长三百英寸,高三十六英寸。 |
| 9. | What age ? by the fixing way of the armguard , it seems to be in late qing and early ming , is it right 是什么年代的东东啊?观其护手的安装方式,似乎为清末民初之物,不知对否? |
| 10. | He passed the metropolitan examination in 1847 and earned the title of “ jinshi ” , the highest degree of that time 清宣宗道光二十七年进士,为清末大臣,淮军创始人、洋务派首领。 |