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English translation for "临别赠言"

give a parting advice -- valediction; advice given by one just before parting; parting advice; parting words of advice; words of advice at parting; words of advice sent [given] to a parting friend
Example Sentences:
1.He particularly warmed to her parting shot .
2.Eisenhower's parting admonition in 1956 was "give'em heaven. "
3.After touching farewells and warm shakes of the hand, the guests separated .
4.Eisenhower ' s parting admonition in 1956 was " give ' em heaven .
艾森豪威尔1956年的临别赠言是: “给他们留点情面。 ”
5.His parting words to me were to share what i had learned and to spread the art to all who wanted it
6.During the years in foreign countries , he kept in mind his mother ’ s parting word : no matter where you are , you country is behind you
7.The day after the review boris drubetskoy put on his best uniform , and accompanied by his comrade bergs good wishes for his success , rode to olmtz to see bolkonsky , in the hope of profiting by his friendliness to obtain a better position , especially the position of an adjutant in attendance on some personage of importance , a post which seemed to him particularly alluring
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