Effect of food habits of some fishes on the biomanipulation in drinking water source management 水源治理中鱼类的摄食选择性对其生物操纵作用的影响
Fish stocking in niushan lake eliminated submersed macrophytes and gave indirect effect on biomass in niushan lake to an extent that gastropod was only 1 / 5 as much of a typical macrophytic lakes such as hong lake 牛山湖中鱼类的放养使水草出现衰退,该湖底栖动物虽然仍以螺类等刮食者为上,但生物见只有洪湖等典型草型湖泊的1 5 。
Metallothionein are able to indicate the effects of heavy metals on aquatic environment . the mt content can be used to appraise aquatic environment . the content of mt in different tissues of fishes has been showed accumulation in tissues ; the content of fishes mt in different fishes have shown tolerance in fishes 对不同组织中mt含量测定可研究不同组织对重金属的积累能力不同鱼种体内mt含量测定以了解鱼种对金属耐受力的影响而对不同水体中鱼类mt含量的分析,则对确定污染源及污染程度有重要意义。